


We are the only business school in the greater Mobile area accredited by the 促进大学商学院协会 (AACSB), 5% of business programs worldwide are AACSB accredited.  米切尔大学 Business affirms its commitment to the University’s focus on excellence, lifelong 学习,是对整个人的教育.  学院提供学士学位 of Science 工商管理 degree for undergraduates 和 Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of 会计 (MACC), and Ph.D. 在商业 研究生阶段的管理学位.

▼   订婚
学生 - 的 faculty and staff in the 米切尔商学院 strive to engage students 在一个无与伦比的教育经验.  你的教育是我们的首要任务.
  • We engage students in the classroom with hands-on learning experiences in small classes.  All classes are taught by professors with doctoral degrees and experienced business 专业人士. 
  • We provide opportunities to engage with representatives from leading businesses and 组织我们每周的活动 二层商业 倡议. 
  • 学生 study abroad in a variety of international exchange programs and travel excursions 在欧洲、南美和亚洲. 
  • All students are encouraged to participate in internships and co-op experiences. 
  • Every major has a student organization engaging students in professional development 活动.

企业 - 的 MCOB Executive Advisory Board, representing the top employers in the region, engages with faculty and students and supports our programs and 倡议s.  每一个 department has an advisory board, comprised of leaders in their respective 学科, to advise on curriculum issues, ensuring our students are prepared to be valued business 合作伙伴.  Advisory board members facilitate experiential learning opportunities and support other student engagement 活动, such as guest lecturing, field trips, 和指导.  

▼   创新

In the 米切尔商学院 we take pride in our many innovative programs 以及改善学生学习成果的举措:

  • We are the only business school in the state with the highly acclaimed 米切尔学者计划 ($12,500 per year) for high achievers and we provide more than 75 scholarships ($500 到5000美元)和各种项目的奖励. 
  • 我们的设施是 一流的设施 提供有利于学习的正确环境.  我们有唯一的生意 本地区的学校图书馆 米切尔学习资源中心  约翰B. 圣F金融分析中心 实时华尔街股票报价和数据.  我们的大楼有四个最先进的设备 computer classroom laboratories, and two flexible classrooms.
  •  捷豹投资基金 allows a select group of students to manage an investment portfolio with a starting 价值25万美元.
  • 教员正在合并 SAP instruction into undergraduate courses and are working toward offering certificates demonstrating students have a fundamental knowledge of SAP. 
  • We ensure our freshman success rate is higher than the national average by engaging students in Freshmen Learning Communities and participating in the early warning system 对于大一和大二的学生,捷豹成功.
▼   影响

我们的座右铭是“改变世界.”  Through the efforts of our faculty, students, and staff the MCOB is positively 影响墨西哥湾沿岸及其他地区.

  • MCOB faculty members sustain a high level of scholarly productivity that increases 具备各自业务领域的知识.  教师在顶级期刊上发表文章 and participate in national, international, and regional academic programs each year, sharing their research findings and contributing to the knowledge base across business 学科. 
  •  经济合作中心 provides reports on real estate transactions and trends and economic development.  每一个 year the office produces over 100 hours of professional development programming for real estate 专业人士 and offers the annual 房地产 Summit 和 Economic 发展会议.
  •  梅尔顿创业与创新中心 worked with the Office of 研究 and Economic Development to establish the 创新中心. This program provides assistance for technology based start-up operations.