劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 赋予的椅子 of Computing

十大玩彩信誉平台 the 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 赋予的椅子 in Computing 

Dr. 约旦肉用羊

Dr. 约旦肉用羊

Dr. 约旦肉用羊 has been awarded the 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 赋予的椅子 从2023年10月1日起生效.  The 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 赋予的椅子 of Computing, was given in memory of 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 by his sister, the late Dr. 珍妮叶. 




The 十大玩彩信誉平台 计算机学院 announces our first ever endowed chair, the 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 赋予的椅子 of Computing, given in memory of 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 by his sister, the late Dr. 珍妮叶. 

劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 was born in Belize, British Honduras on October 4th, 1937. He was a graduate of Tulane University and served as a systems engineer and executive 在IBM工作了26年. He was known for his keen and inquiring mind, love of music and travel, fine sense of humor and kindness.  作为他所在领域的专家,他 worked closely with the 计算机学院. 他于2014年10月去世.



Dr. 珍妮叶

劳伦斯的妹妹,劳伦斯博士. 珍妮叶, was a graduate of the University of 南 Alabama with a Bachelor’s degree and MBA in accounting. 她获得了博士学位.D. in 佐治亚大学会计系毕业. Dr. Sylvestre was a outstanding and transformational professor in the Mitchell College of Business for over 30 年 and was the first 美国毕业生回国任教. 作为一名教师. 西尔维斯特被形容为杰出的 caring mentor who valued strong relationships with her students. 她也是一个狂热的人 supporter and advisor to Beta Alpha Psi Accounting honor society for more than 25 年. 除了是一名指导老师之外. 西尔维斯特担任系主任 对于会计部门.

Dr. Sylvestre was named one of the 50 outstanding faculty members in the 50-year history of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 and served on the 董事会 of the University of 南 Alabama Foundation as its treasurer. 她与纽约大学学院关系密切 Computing as she served on many graduate student thesis committees as well as on the 计算机学院 tenure and promotion committee. Dr. 西尔维斯特被任命为教授 Emeritus in 2009 upon her retirement from the University. 在她四月去世的时候 14, 2018, she bequeathed a legacy gift to the USA Foundation to support several academic initiatives at the 十大玩彩信誉平台, including chairs in Accounting, Chemistry, Computing, the Sylvestre Chair of Music, a fund to support graduate education, and a Steinway piano as part of the All-Steinway Initiative.

就像她的哥哥一样. Sylvestre loved travel, reading and music, especially Chopin. Both she and her brother were longtime members of St. 保罗圣公会教堂.


We are grateful for this generous gift and intend to honor Dr. 珍妮·西尔维斯特和 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特’s memory by continuing to pursue academic and scholastic 计算机学院的优秀学生.

To make a tax deductible gift towards the 劳伦斯·明托·西尔维斯特 赋予的椅子 of Computing Fund or to learn more about giving opportunities, contact USA’s Development 办公室电话:251-414-8064.